Friday, 29 November 2013

Photo shoot planning

Photo shoot planning 

When designing my magazine front cover, I had to think of what photos I wanted, this is because the photo is the part of the magazine which will catch the readers attention this is why a photo shoot plan was needed to ensure the best photo is taken for the front of my magazine cover. I had to keep in mind that the magazine needs to appeal to school so the contents and photos need to appeal to someone in school, for example an eye catching photo. The photo that I plan to take involve students, this will mean them wearing uniform and doing ordinary things a student in school would do I have kept the photos simple as I believe it would be the most effective way of students reading the magazine as they would be able to relate to what's inside.

Here is my photo-shoot plan:


Font planning for the front cover of my magazine

When planning the front cover for my school magazine, I had to make sure I knew exactly what I wanted for each part. Including writing and pictures.
The first part of the front cover that I planned was the font I will be using in it. I chose three different fonts by looking at different magazines and deciding which fonts that I thought would suite my magazine best. The fonts I have chosen will be used through out my magazine to ensure that everything is consistent and all the writing matches to ensure that there not all completely different. I then chose the colours I wanted the fonts, I chose black  when doing my actual magazine this may change.  The font I chose was first tested on a word document and I spent part of the lesson writing in the different fonts before coming to the conclusion of the three that I most liked. Here below are the three different fonts I am going to be using on my Magazine front cover.


Sunday, 17 November 2013

Production Tip

Production tip
In todays lesson, the first task was to read the production tips on how to get a perfect image. I then had to put the definitions into my own words (see below). The next task was to explain how I would use each section when taking my image for the front cover of the magazine.
Ensure that the images are appropriate for the magazine that is being constructed together. I have chosen to use a picture of "shoes" walking in to school as the focal point because this will express someone walking into school for the day ahead, with some blurred background of the school. This ensure the school theme of the magazine. I will implement this by ensuring that the image is appropriate for the magazine. I will spend time planning the image taken and plan where it will be on the front cover of the magazine this will ensure that the image is the right image for the magazine/.
Framing and composition:

I will take a lot of pictures to ensure I can get a variety of images which I can then choose to be the right one to work on the magazine.  I should be able to adjust by cropping and editing if needed.  Ensure that the angle is the right one needed for the shot. Make sure there is a focus and what will the focus be.  I will implement this production tip by cropping and editing the feet to ensure that the sense of school, and this will be used by editing and blurring the background of the image because the focal point is the shoes walking. This image will be taken with the feet being in the focal point of the lens which will ensure that this is the centre of the image.  The image will be a flat angle view as it is an image of the shoes walking into school.
Shot distance:
The shot distance needs to be spot on to create the perfect shot for the magazine, for example the “zoom function” will allow for a variety of possible distances from the subject of choice. I will implement this production tip  by ensuring the  distance from where I am standing is the right distance for how I want the image to look.  
Mise en Scene:
This term means “putting into the scene” this describes the creative choices the image may have. This has to include:
·         Lighting                               
·         Costume
·         Appearance
·         Props for the shot
·         Background imagery
·         Colour
In the image,  I will insure that the background imagery is of the school but is blurry because the main focal point is going to be the shoes of someone walking into the school.
Colour and resolution:
The image will not look the same once printed so the quality will be different to the original image taken. The printing will determine if the colours will work and the final resolution. This will give a sense of what the photograph will translate into a printed outcome.  I will use this in advice to when taking the image, this is because, I will need to remember that the image might not have the same colours as in the actual picture as when printed. The colour may come out different so I need to ensure the colours that are kept in the image are not going to change a lot so that the image doesn't look how I wanted it to.

Friday, 8 November 2013

First draft of Magazine front cover (Mr Fregan)

6th November 2013
The task set in todays lesson, was to create the first draft of my magazine front cover. To do this is researched some magazines, for example I searched through famous magazines such as "vogue" and "Elle" magazine. From researching through this I had an idea of how I wanted my magazine to look and where each part of the magazine will be laid out. The different aspects of the magazine that I included are listed:
  • A banner - The front page headline which goes at the top of the page.
  • Cover lines - Summary of the most exciting things that feature in the magazine.
  • Exclusive - The story that is promoted by the audiences as only available in the newspaper or article.
  • Kicker - This is a story designed to stand out from the rest of the page through the use of different font types.
  • Splash - 
  • Lure
  • Cover Lines
  • Headline
  • Masthead
  • Strap Line
  • Banner
  • Left Third
  • Bar Code
  • Picture
  • Date/Time
From this, I was able to create my first draft of my magazine cover, I now have an idea of what I want my magazine to look like and where the key conventions will go on my magazine.
Here below is my first draft:

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Presentation on Camera angles (Mr Fegan)

Presentation on Camera angles

For a task that was set for homework, I had to create a PowerPoint presentation, on a theme that most interested me. The theme that I chose, was animals (my cat and dog). When doing this task I firstly had to choose a range of camera angles, to use when taking photos, for example, close ups, extreme long shot and high angle. 
When creating the presentation, I had to explain what each angle was and explain how it is shown in the picture taken. I also explained why the specific camera angle was effective when trying to create a shot.
I then had to show my presentation to the rest of my media studies class, on all of the different camera angles used when taking photos of my theme. 

Here below is my presentation:

Mood Board (Mr Fegan)

Mood Board

The next part of my media studies course, was to create a mood board, for when creating a magazine, a mood board helps when deciding what writing and colors ect to use for the magazine. 
When creating my mood board, i gathered a range of different magazines, i then decided to cut out different parts of the magazine and finding different things such as "text" and different types of "images. 
Whilst bringing the magazines into class I also viewed how all the different parts that make a magazine where laid out for example the text and the pictures. 
From doing this task it helped me to gain some ideas for when I am creating my own magazine. I decided on large bold text for the headings, and little size text for the information. This will then help the magazine to have a clear layout for others to view/read the magazine. As for the colour schemes I need to go further into creating my magazine. 
When making my mood board I had to keep in mind that the magazine is for school, so I have to make sure all ages and all years of the school will read and understand the magazine.

Mood Board